- The very latest energy efficient radiant systems at low prices.
- Free radiant design assistance and complete customer support; before, during and after the sale.
- A solid commitment to energy efficiency and environmental protection.
- Solar, wood and other “alternative energy” products as well as conventional products.
- Radiant heat products in the form of installation packages and kits that are ideal for the do it yourselfer or for the contractor.
a heating system will affect your family’s comfort and even its health for many years to come.
40+ Years of Experience and Service
In 1979, when we first started to offer radiant heating services, there were only two or three companies to choose from.
But now, you have many choices. It seems that new companies are coming (and going) almost every day. There are many reasons why we are still the best choice. We have done:
- Tens of thousands of radiant heating jobs.
- Residential, commercial, industrial and ag projects.
- Heating cooling, and snow melting projects.
- Put tubing in floors, ceilings, walls and driveways.

Our brand new office and shipping center.

24 degrees below zero at the customer service center
Energy Efficiency
We are the most energy efficient company in the industry. Our commitment to the environment and to energy efficiency began many years ago.
In 1984, Radiantec was awarded the Department of Energy’s Award for a “distinguished contribution” of our Nation’s Energy Efficiency.
What we learn benefits our customers.

The Latest Technology

A radiant heating system powered by an ultra high efficiency condensing water heater.
National Code officials have approved new technology that improves radiant heating efficiency and lowers cost.
Visit our “Systems/Heat Sources” page for more detailed information.
Customer Support
High quality tech support is available before, during and forever after the sale.
Plans, diagrams, advice, design assistance, brochures and install manuals
Visit our “Customer Support” page.
Install Packages

Most of our systems come in the form of pre–assembled install packages to support the contractor or competent DIY.
Visit our Install Packages page.
Integrity and Reputation
A company with 40+ years of experience accumulates a track record.
You can click on the Better Business logo to obtain a report. Or we will be pleased to provide you with references.
CAUTION! Imitation is flattery, but sometimes it causes problems.
Radiantec is the original radiant heating company for the do it yourselfer (DIY). Other companies have closely copied us, but there are important differences in quality and support.
Visit Radiantec
If you are in the area, please stop in.
If you are in town, please stop in! It might be a good idea to call ahead so that we can spend more time with you. Bring your plans if you have them. Bring the kids! We have a toy box for the little ones and exhibits for the older ones.
(click here for info and directions)
Our solar technicians are always ready to answer questions. Click here to learn more about us and to meet some of the people you work with.
Click here to learn about benefits of our systems.