1 (800) 451-7593


Radiant Heat is Affordable

Hand with a Dollar Icon - Radiant Heat does not deserve its reputation for being so expensive.
Polaris Water Heater makes hot water for radiant heat.Radiant heat has the reputation for being very expensive. This is unfortunate and there really is no good reason for it because radiant heat is affordable to everyone.

Radiant heat should be simple, very energy efficient and affordable to everyone. Let us show you how our systems make this possible.

Use the latest technology

You do not really have to buy a boiler. You can use the water heater that you would have to buy anyway for domestic hot water and get double use out of it. National codes now permit this use. You will save thousands of dollars right there.

The new water heaters that are made for this use are 95% efficient and of the highest quality.

Read about our recommended Polaris Water Heater here.

Do not overpay.

Piggybank Savings Possible with Radiant Heat

Radiant heating products often go through too many middlemen. If necessary, you can buy direct and get high quality materials for a lower price. Keep it simple and be skeptical of “nifty and eye catching” features. Over engineering is very expensive. Do not get sold a rat’s nest of features and controls that are not really needed and are not even particularly energy efficient.

Do it yourself if appropriate.

Do It Yourself ToolsThis is not that hard. Radiant heating can be installed by a reasonably competent handyperson. Installation packages are available that will make the work go a lot easier and faster. Plumbing and heating professionals have tools and experience that are very valuable. By all means use them when they are available. We do not diminish their value, but you do have options. You can do the labor intensive work, like running the tubing, yourself and have a professional tie it in. Be sure to follow your local codes. Radiantec will be happy to help you with a do it yourself project.

Click here for more information about DIY radiant heat.

Solar Panel - Be energy efficient by heating with solar energy!

Be energy efficient.

This is very important these days. The cost of energy efficient products is often little more than those that are not energy efficient. The cost difference (if any) is well worth it.

Click here for more information about Energy Efficiency.

Ballpark Price Estimates
Click here to go to our pricing section.

You will find what you need at a fair price. You can use “ball park” pricing to get an estimate. If you wish, you can speak to a technical support person. Radiantec has a wide selection and our support people can help you decide what is best for your project. He or she will prepare a detailed price quotation and help you with design. They are very knowledgeable and they are committed to putting your interests first. Our technical support people will be with you before, during and long after the sale.

Radiant heating is energy efficient, environmentally friendly and healthful. Our society needs these products and they should be available to everyone at a fair price.

At Radiantec, we will work together with you and get the cost of radiant heat down to where it belongs.